Clinical experts in dysphagia and swallowing difficulties in adults
Our team of expert Speech and Language Therapists have specific training and experience in dysphagia assessment and management. We provide dysphagia services across Ireland, in homes, nursing homes, hospitals and disability care settings with minimum wait and maximum care.
Staff training in Dysphagia Care Provision
We provide both online and on-site staff training sessions.
With our on-site training sessions (max 15 staff members per session) an expert Speech and Language Therapist will come to your care setting and deliver a tailor-made training programme. We will consult with you beforehand about your priorities and needs, and design a training session specifically for your staff.
We also have a comprehensive online training package for nursing and care staff. This is the only accredited dysphagia care training programme for care staff in Ireland. Designed specifically for nursing homes, hospitals and disability care settings, it is based on our years of experience in the field. Fully certified, the programme covers all elements of dysphagia care provision, from food and fluid modification using the IDDSI Framework, to enhancing the mealtime environment as an enjoyable social occasion, and everything in between! It is the easiest and most cost effective method of providing staff training. Click here to learn more about our online training packages, or get in touch.
Want to get in touch?
To make an appointment or if you have a query about a patient, just get in touch