Individuals who require a swallow assessment can simply get in touch with us to arrange an appointment.
We take a full case history prior to swallow assessment, and liaise with all relevant medical professionals in order to provide a client-centred approach to managing dysphagia, in a practical and safe way. We can provide services to you in your home or in one of our clinics, or in a nursing home or hospital environment if that is where you currently reside.
Many of our direct referrals come from family members who are concerned about a loved-one coughing when swallowing, or difficulty with particular food at mealtimes. It is important to assess for dysphagia so that a person’s health and wellbeing can be protected in the best way. We can recommend different strategies or rehabilitation exercises for the swallow that can help, and we can provide advice and recommendations on different food and drink consistencies for a safer mealtime experience.